Photo credit : OXYMANUS
The mobile phone or cell phone or hand phone or by whatever name you called it; must have been the century's most ingenious invention of all times due to its almost ever changing innovations and utility functions.
Many people have benefited from its features as well as the cost of having it. Companies have gained so much profits from it and likewise ventured into multi million dollar R & D studies to improve its performance day by day. Similarly telcos are fast riding on a high level of business trading opportunities in the supplementary services that comes along with it for the end-users. Wow !, what a canny investment !
With the advent of the telecommunications industry's mobile telephone services, the world is now closer to one another and news and conversations are gathered into our homes even much faster and clearer.The shapes and sizes of that phenomena is unimaginably outrageous and it has outgrown that old heavy machines of yesteryears. Today handphones are so commonly seen and its importance has exceeded other things which were long regarded more special before and that every household now would have almost 2 to 3 of such units, encompassing users like young children and old pensioners irrespective of their age and income.
Call me an old fashioned gentleman; but i think i have just woken up from my long years of slumber in modern Malaysia. Malaysia has indeed "progressed in leaps and bounds " to my shocking awe. Ever since my first encounter with a mobile phone ( ATUR) here in this country, i.e. when a visitor carried it into one of Kuala Lumpur's once popular hill resort situated in Gombak, it took me quite a while to realise it as a sure necessity or truly appreciate it to reward me with one, someday. The gadget's price and design could have been one of the main factors that took me off my interest until 1993, when i was convinced to buy my first mobile apparatus from a friend for RM 1,000. Called it daylight robbery but i was too naive about the situation at that time not even to mention about its gadgety operations system.
At that time, It would also make me one of the first people in my office to actually use a mobile and people would stare at you as if you want to emulate or imitate the CEO of your own company as it is considered a status symbol or somebody you must be in order to use one.
Yesterday, 14 May 2008, a Malay tabloid in its frontpage headline screaming to announce that there are more than 3,000 websites in the internet that featured Malay based/ supported pornography sites. And surf i did just to find out how much truth it prevailed. Sure enough, within a click seconds, i was already whisked to such fantasexual streaming of personal delight.
There were lots of them but as i tried to evaluate their origins and purpose, i realise that many people who had posted them would have done it for the value of money . To some, what might have started as a hobby to shoot people's faces and scenes would eventually take on a more creative hobby by engaging in a more adventurous film making" stunts" and brusque editing, quite amateurishly i might describe. Well you can't blame technology can u ? There are now Ipods, GPS ,web cams, alarm security systems, digital cameras, plasmas,DVD's, PDAs and of course the commonly ubiquitous mobile phones. An array of techies( ??) indeed for future living !
The mobile phone i believe could trigger as the most powerful instrument of all times. You can get rich by it, get toppled from your ranks by it, get slandered by it, make scandals out of it, get happy birthday messages across the miles in an instant by it, listen to music from it, watch your stocks tumble in it and also see your favorite football matches from it.
What i also realised is that many future generations minds are going to be "damaged" and possessed" by it too unless any government or even the inventors do something to prevent it from happening. Not even "control" or "restraint" would stop anything. The mobile phone has reached its identity as an instrument of "ingenuity and creativity" as far as the owner's conquest of communications freedom is concerned. From sex , i was transported to politics,travelled from one area to another region and alas !, to another country bit by bit by means of its clicking processes eventually and rather endlessly.
The political scenes of Malaysia in its run up to the last elections was by far the most shameful and embarrassing moments to watch. Malaysians too ( those involved in the uploading of such materials into the internet) for public viewing ought to be labeled as one of the lowest class citizens ever to have lived on this planet. Much substances are build upon to destroy another person's image and dignity. Others are just plain stupid to blatantly broadcast publicly their" sexual tinted projects" purposely or unknowingly through friends and foes, which was taken by sex hungry paparazzi reporters or sheer thrill seekers and money hungry mobile phone slinging sex crusaders who wanted to earn "something big ." out of "something small" - i'm refering to the small camera lens that penetrates the vision . Many uneducated people also finds this equipment amusing as it looks using it with lack of sensitivities while the educated ones manipulate its characteristics pretty wittingly with sinful intentions.
There is absolutely no glory in those outright obscene material offerings ( depending on how it is being categorise or exemplified by the uploaders ) except shame and guilt feelings of those who were featured in them and for those who had photographed / shot. The photograhers at large, who shot the scenes would have to pay heavily in hell when they leave this Godly world. I am not preaching ethics or spiritual knowledge here but the consequences upon society on those bawdy visual chapters are just another sick person's anxiety of lack of self- reputation morality and if i may put it very "subtly" , a very low standard "pariah" work of art ????!! . Who won and who loses, in the final destination, will only explain the type of society Malaysians wants to be associated with . No wonder in certain countries, internet regulatory controls are strongly monitored and autocratically imposed.
Pornography is so readily available 24/7 if you have a reliable internet connection but what it might do to any person is also up to the own individual's perception of what was seen. (As it is sometimes watching too much of cartoon on TV is also bad for the child.) It's not a DIY sex education programme channel.
Surfing into these explicit sites is like opening a chaotic treasure full of unfit and unsound goods for the full of it or for the lack of it ( as in a cliff hanger video that leaves the viewer to imagine the next step of action or erection.) Imagine a mind full of sexual hunger and sexual desires and when a sex related criminal case takes place, another life is in danger forever and then someone wants to try to press the panic button. I suppose this is the price to pay for technology, no pain no gain and that necessity is the Mother of Invention . But again, the pain is in everyone's ass. Ask your neighbors with children.
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