KLM Carrier - Photo credit : Oxymanus
1. Smile and be open and honest with everyone, they will be your
next solution.
2. Come from a good family, this will make number one easy.
3. Be the first to visit a place.
4. Fear is your friend.javascript:void(0)
5. Money is everywhere on the planet, you will have money.
6. Change all the time, adapt.
7. Common sense
8. Do not try to change people, do not feel sorry for people.
9. Share your knowledge with everyone that ask, however offer prudently.
10. Recognize angry people and walk away fast, no regrets.
11. Do what you like and not the guidebook or other people.
1. Save the world, people with a desire to stop problems in the
world, Starvations, religions, or self appointed saviors of
the planet, they are normally self-appointed victims, they will
volunteer to be victims in another country, they are
searching for problems.
2. Alcoholics or drug users.
3. People that do not read.
4. Lazy.
5. People that talk about sex, not the same as people that talk about
pretty people.
6. People that disobey the laws.
7. Shoppers
8. Impatient people or people that complain about weather.
Best advice:
1. Say Hello, to all other travelers. You never know when you need help.
2. Theft. Out of site, out of mind. Do not show people what you have.
People steal what they can see. EXAMPLE: Walking around with a camera.
Put it in a backpack.
3. Always take a taxi, or bus, etc from bus station to hotel.
4. Store you passport, travel check information in you e-mail box. Scan
5. Carry a Padlock, Place it on a door. Put eyelet screw on door
if possible or when needed, use your own lock.
6. Do not look rich, dress, jewelry, tourist clothes, expensive backpack.
7. Take long pants on all bus rides. Take lots of clothes.
8. Take lots of pictures, its all that will remain.
Hotels: Best 10 Questions
1. Let me look at the mattress please.
2. Do you have free water?
3. Do you have free breakfast?
4. Do you have hot water showers
5. Do you heat with Electricity? Solar? Gas?
6. Is the hot water 24 hours a day?
7. Do you have the hasp, so I can put on my own lock?
8. Are the showers free?
9. Can I bring friend into the hotel, or my room?
10. Do you have cable TV? HBO, Cinecanal?
11. Do you have a book exchange?
Save money:
1. Do not drink beverages, other than water. $3
2. Electric Hot Plate to cook, $2 Day
3. Guidebook for rooms. $2 Day
4. Water purification drops. $1 Day
5. Take overnight bus. $1 Day
6. Rent rooms in hotels with free water. $1 Day
7. Travel, or share a room with a friend $1 Day
8. Wash you own clothes .50
9. Eat only 1 sit down meal a day and eat in market for the others.
10. Stay for one month in each location and negotiate a price of room
for 1/2 normal price.
1. Teach English
2. Waiter or Waitress
3. Pick Fruit
4. Cook food at hostel for a month
5. Reception of desk.
6. Massage Therapist
7. Dive master
8. Tour guide, or selling tours
9. Graphic on computer. Trade for room
10. Travel Agency.
Most Likely to get robbed:
1. Walking around with camera around neck.
2. Cleaning people steal from your hotel room.
3. Putting things in the compartment above the seat in the bus.
4. Walking from the bus to the hotel with your backpack.
5. Whenever you put a backpack of any sorts on the ground next to you.
6. From other travelers you trust. If they have traveled a long time...?
7. Walking away from the automatic teller machine.
8. By Police
9. People that do not lock their doors when they go to toilet.
10. People that say, "The are very honest here, they would never rob me."
Most Physically dangerous:
1. Getting hit by cars.
2. Having sex with the locals.
3. Walking home very drunk after midnight.
4. Walking through groups of drunk people.
5. Tours, with bad guides. That is the job of a guide to protect you.
6. Getting involved with religious concerns.
7. Getting involved in political causes.
8. Complaining to the police.
9. Electricity in showers.
10. Military coup situations / or demonstrations.
Wanker solutions:
1. I know someone who was safe, therefore it is safe.
2. I got off the bus, and they offered me a place...
3. All the travelers are trustworthy...
4. The guidebook is terrible, nothing is right.
5. They are a peaceful people....
6. It never happened in the past...
7. My friend told me...
8. Their website said they were the cheapest Spanish school in South America
This one was quite funny. The person was paying 3 times what they
needed to pay in Quito, Ecuador. I luckily kept my mouth shut.
9. They are poor because the rich keep them poor.
10. I will give the stuff to the owner of hotel to hold.
Culture How NOT to learn about culture:
1. Go to all the hotels that cater to you country, or owned by you country.
2. Travel very fast, and only stay in a city two days. Go on all the tours.
3. Go to see the tourist sites, and not the people
4. Eat Pizza a lot, or Spaghetti. Go to Vegetarian restaurants.
5. Drive a car, and never take the bus.
6. Never leave the resort.
7. Get a guide that speaks your own language.
Why you should NOT travel:
1. Bad haircuts
2. People complain about you country, and culture
3. The pizza cheese sucks
4. People try to convince me all the time to change.
Example: Be a vegetarian, or to convince you to not like your country.
5. You will find out how lucky you are.
6. You have to see all sorts of human bodily functions
7. A future husband or wife will want you to live in one location.
How to learn?
1. Subscribe to Newsletter on information you want to learn.
2. Listen and ask questions but do never try or say a person that
has visited a country knows less than a person that has not.
3. Read the Encyclopedia on the place. Facts are better than guidebooks.
4. Find free WebPages like Geocities where people post honest information.
5. Find Logs or Blogs on subject.
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