Photo Credit : OXYMANUS
Let me see how i should start. After all, it's not that difficult to write something off your mind especially when there are so many things happening and evolving around you since you were born. It will just chronicled the events day by day ,gradually transforming all the ideas and stories into a thick sheet of journal some what like a personal masterpiece and creation which you and me are going to read, eventually just like this one.
As a matter of fact,this blog writing idea sprung up many years ago when i was too busy even to put down a word or two,of which i got started no doubt but it was abandon as soon as i left the blog pages which i have just created due to the bad procrastination habit ! Thus nothing came out much about what was supposed to be written or expressed. Alas,here i am all over again to attempt this lost mission to accomplish the quite impossible, so to speak.
I know that when the idea starts to flow, the story just fill in like water like the way it goes through a river and passes through even bigger ones that finally leads into the seas and the oceans. In other words, the vast ocean will also one day take over the land and cover it with the elements of life. Life is water. All of us depend on it.